


I am a newbie to Open Map Street. I made some research and found that we can download and store the map into a folder. But i didn't find any tutorial or sample that provides offline Open Street Map. Can someone provide me with a step by step tutorial, a guide to implement offline open street map please. I am following this example http://android-coding.blogspot.com/2012/06/example-of-implementing-openstreetmap.html but now i want to make it available when there is no connection.


就像你mentionned你可以使用osmdroid库教程: 的https://$c$c.google.com/p/osmdroid/

Like in the tutorial you mentionned you can use osmdroid library: https://code.google.com/p/osmdroid/

有如何osmdroid离线地图的作品在这里一个很好的解释: http://stackoverflow.com/a/8286276/891479

There's a good explanation of how osmdroid works with offline maps here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/8286276/891479

使用MapTileProviderBasic在你的应用程序。 这里的一些例子: http://www.androidadb.com/class/ma/MapTileProviderBasic.html

Use MapTileProviderBasic in your app. Some examples here: http://www.androidadb.com/class/ma/MapTileProviderBasic.html

要生成osmdroid格式使用移动阿特拉斯造物主离线地图: http://mobac.sourceforge.net/

To generate your offline maps in osmdroid format use Mobile Atlas Creator: http://mobac.sourceforge.net/

您可以选择地图的来源和输出格式。生成后,把你的地图,zip格式的地图册到/ osmdroid /图的目录。

You can choose the source of the maps and the output format. Once generated, put your maps atlas in zip format into your "/osmdroid/map" directory.



