Android的 - 简单的用户输入表单网络视图后端Java使用jQuery Mobile视图、表单、后端、简单

由网友(戒烟不如戒情丶)分享简介:我目前正在设计一个原生的Andr​​oid应用程序。我打算使用jQuery Mobile的网络视图,我的界面,做所有的计算与Java后端。 (还没有决定使用PhoneGap的或没有)I am currently designing a native android application. I am planning...

我目前正在设计一个原生的Andr​​oid应用程序。我打算使用jQuery Mobile的网络视图,我的界面,做所有的计算与Java后端。 (还没有决定使用PhoneGap的或没有)

I am currently designing a native android application. I am planning to use jQuery Mobile web view as my interface and do all the calculations with java back-end. (still deciding using phonegap or not)

我实现一个页面,允许用户填写表单和变量传递到Android Java的一部分了一些困难。

I have some difficulties implementing a page that allows a user to fill in a form and pass the variable to the android java part.

研究整个上午,我已经学会了如何与addJavascriptInterface的JavaScript / HTML和Java之间的交互()。但我唯一能找到回答我的问题是使用JSON。这似乎有点复杂。有没有一种方法,我可以通过该变量作为一个Java函数的参数?

Researching all morning, I have learned how to interact between javascript/html and java with addJavascriptInterface(). But the only thing I can find that answer my question is with JSON. That seems a little complicated. Is there a way I can pass the variable as a parameter of a java function?


(I learned that if I do not use a web view, I can simply use getText() or getSelectedItem() with default UI to do what I want to)

我很抱歉,没有code avaliable,因为这仍然是在设计阶段,我有点新Android SDK中。

I apologize there is no code avaliable, since this is still in designing stage, and I am a little new to android sdk.




OK, here's an example of interacting with the javascript interface...


Setting the javascript interface in your Activity...

JavascriptInterface javasriptInterface = new JavascriptInterface(this);
webview.addJavascriptInterface(javasriptInterface, "Android");


The inner JavascriptInterface class in your Android Activity...

public class JavascriptInterface {
    Context mContext;

    JavascriptInterface(Context c) {
        mContext = c;

    public boolean doSomething(String name, String address) {
        return true;

编辑: 您的形式将有不同的输入字段。示例...

Your form will have various input fields. Example...

<form name="myForm" ...>
    <input type=text name=personName>
    <input type=text name=personAddress>
    <input type="button" value="Do it" onClick="callDoSomething()" />

<script type="text/javascript">
    function callDoSomething() {
        var theName = document.myForm.personName.value;
        var theAddress = document.myForm.personAddress.value;
        var result = Android.doSomething(theName, theAddress);

