Android:在哪里可以找到 RadioButton Drawable?可以找到、Android、Drawable、RadioButton

由网友(初懵)分享简介:好的,我正在尝试创建一个名为 CheckedRelativeLayout 的自定义视图.Ok, I am trying to create a custom view called CheckedRelativeLayout.它的用途与 CheckedTextView 相同,以便能够在要选择的项目列表或 Spinn...

好的,我正在尝试创建一个名为 CheckedRelativeLayout 的自定义视图.

Ok, I am trying to create a custom view called CheckedRelativeLayout.

它的用途与 CheckedTextView 相同,以便能够在要选择的项目列表或 Spinner 中使用它.

It's purpose is the same as a CheckedTextView, to be able to use it in a list of items you want selected or in a Spinner.

现在一切正常,我扩展了 RelativeLayout 并实现了 Checkable 接口.

It's all working fine now, I extended RelativeLayout and implemented Checkable interface.

但是,我遇到了一个非常简单的问题:在哪里可以找到 CheckedTextViewRadioButton 使用的 Drawable?

However, I am stuck on a quite simple problem: Where can I find the Drawable that CheckedTextView and RadioButton use?


I looked at the sourcecode of both, and they seem to use Well... that's internal stuff. So I can't access it.

有什么方法可以获取这些 Drawable 或以某种方式解决问题?

Any way to get these Drawables or solve the problem somehow?


查看SDK文件夹/platforms/android-2.0/data/res/您可以通过 android.R.drawable (如果是公共的)访问它们,或者需要将它们作为可绘制对象复制到您的项目中

look under SDK folder /platforms/android-2.0/data/res/ you can access them by either android.R.drawable ( if public ) or need to copy them as drawable to your project


