的MS Access:如何提供参数基于查询的子控件控件、参数、MS、Access

由网友(荣辱兴亡盛衰)分享简介:鉴于以下设置,你怎么提供参数查询:Given the following setup, how do you supply parameters to the query?:在形式上包含SubformA。SubformA使用QueryA,已保存的查询,为SourceObject。QueryA使用参数声明在形式上包含...


Given the following setup, how do you supply parameters to the query?:

在形式上包含SubformA。 SubformA使用QueryA,已保存的查询,为SourceObject。 QueryA使用参数声明 在形式上包含提供参数QueryA控制。


If FormA's Controls have the same name as QueryA's parameters, this generally works. The exception is when the form loads, at which time Access prompts the user for QueryA's parameters. I am trying to get around this by leaving SubformA's SourceObject blank in Design View and defining the SourceObject in FormA's Form_Load event. I am setting the values of FormA's controls and then setting SubformA's SourceObject. However, Access is still prompting for the parameters. My next thought was to get a reference to QueryA as a QueryDef and define the QueryDef's parameters, but there doesn't appear to be a way to assign the QueryDef as SubformA's SourceObject. Any thoughts on how to obtain the objective of not prompting the user for the parameters on form load?



Have you defined the controls as parameters in the Recordsource of the subform? I'm not sure it would work even then, since I think subforms load before the main form, and that they are requeried a second time after loading.


I'd suggest having an empty recordsource in the subform, and set the Recordsource SQL when you apply the filter. I wouldn't define any parameters and I would use no references to form controls in the Recordsource SQL at all.


If you are somehow concerned about SQL injection and think you must use parameters, likely your concerns are overblown, particularly if none of the filter controls allow free text.


