
由网友(我会尽全力 乐观而坚强)分享简介:我使用Ajax来更新页面在一个框架中的位置。但设置散列(在Chrome)明确,但偶尔在IE7和某些版本的IE浏览器(5.5)的位置时,页面被重新加载。I am using ajax to update the location of a page in a frame. But when setting the lo...


I am using ajax to update the location of a page in a frame. But when setting the location of the hash (on Chrome and some versions of IE (5.5) specifically, but occasionally on IE7) the page is being reloaded.


The following html demonstrates the problem.

主框架.... frame.html是

the main frame.... frame.html is

<frameset rows="*">
<frame src=sethash.html frameborder=0 scrolling=auto name=somebody>


the sethash.html page is .

<script language=JavaScript>
var Count = 0;
function sethash()
  top.document.location.hash = "hash" + Count;  
<body onload="alert('loaded')">
<input type='button' onClick='sethash()' value='Set Hash'>

在大多数浏览器加载frame.html将显示加载的警报时,一次在页面加载。然后,当设定的哈希键是pressed URL将被改变,但哈希加载警报将不再显示。对铬和某些版本即对

On most browsers loading the frame.html will show the loaded alert once when the page is loaded. Then when the set hash button is pressed the url will be changed but the hash the loaded alert will not show again. On chrome and some versions of I.E

微软的报告可能是同样的问题,在Internet Explorer 5.5 链接文本

Microsoft report possibly the same problem with Internet Explorer 5.5 link text


I can't use the microsoft suggested solution, which is to capture the event and not fire it, but just scroll into view, as am using set the top.location.hash as part of the onLoad event.



Webkit (and by extension, Chrome) behave strangely with location.hash. There are a few open bugs about it, the most relevant is probably this one: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24578 that documents your problem of having the page refresh when location.hash is changed. It looks like your best option right now is to cross your fingers and hope that it gets promptly fixed.


I can't reproduce the bug in IE7 though, and you're the first person in ages I've seen that supports IE5.5 so I can't really help you there ;)


