jQuery的事件停在asp.net mvc的局部视图后(4)部分工作后二停在、视图、局部、事件

由网友(他们说我很能作)分享简介:我有以下布局视图父视图是由几个PartialViews。其中之一是一个列表,其中每个项目都有相应的编辑按钮,该项目它加载到另一个PartialView,但这是通过AJAX加载到一个模式引导-对话框。I have a View with the following layout The parent View is c...

我有以下布局视图 父视图是由几个PartialViews。其中之一是一个列表,其中每个项目都有相应的编辑按钮,该项目它加载到另一个PartialView,但这是通过AJAX加载到一个模式引导-对话框。

I have a View with the following layout The parent View is composed of several PartialViews. One of which is a list where each item has a corresponding Edit button which loads the item into another PartialView, but this is loaded via ajax into a modal bootstrap-dialog.


By hitting the Edit buttons partials view are loaded without problem in the modal dialog but after Submit a dialog the Edit buttons stop to fire the event and the modal does not get loaded anymore, i mean, the click handler for Edit button stops working.

我相信这是由于这样的事实,发布后的模态IM AJAX-重新加载列表中的部分视图包含编辑按钮,所以我需要重新绑定的事件。但是这样做会形成一个圆形的呼叫beween编辑click事件和模态的形式提交?

I believe this is due to the fact that after posting the modal im ajax-reloading the List Partial View that contains Edit buttons and so i need to rebind the events. But by doing so it would form a circular call beween the edit click event and modal form submit?


$(".btn.mylink").on("click", function () {            
            var id = $(this).data('id');
            var url = "/SalidaDetalle/Edit/" + id;            
            $.get(url, function (data) {

                $(".edit-detail").on('submit', function () {
                    function (data, status) {                        

                    }).error(function (error, status, a, b) {
                        writeError('msgError', 'Error processing request. Please check errors and try again!');
                        $('.modal-body p.body').html(error.responseText);

                    return false;


请注意: 这个问题涉及到this 之一

Note: This question is related to this one



Rather than bind the events to your buttons directly, anchor them to a containing block that doesn't get refreshed. your events will continue to fire even if you have reloaded the inner content in that partial view.

$("#container").on("click",".btn.mylink", function (evt) {            
        var id = $(evt.currentTarget).data('id');
        var url = "/SalidaDetalle/Edit/" + id;            
        $.get(url, function (data) {

$("#container").on('submit',".edit-detail", function (evt) {
         function (data, status) {                        

         }).error(function (error, status, a, b) {
              writeError('msgError', 'Error processing request. Please check errors and try again!');
            $('.modal-body p.body').html(error.responseText);

   return false;


You'll need to tweak the script and add the div with id container to your parent view, but you get the idea


