
由网友(最青春的出走)分享简介:我知道这是一个非常著名的问题,很多已经提供的答案,但我想实现我自己的Java二进制搜索算法。 I know this is a very famous question and lots of answers provided already, but I am trying to implement binary...


I know this is a very famous question and lots of answers provided already, but I am trying to implement binary search algorithm in java of my own.


First of all getting following compilation error, why??


This method must return a result of type int


Second how this approach differs from this famous solution

public static int binarySearch(int test[], int num){

    int midLength = test.length/2;
    int fullLength = test.length;

    if(num > test[midLength]){
        int newArray[] = new int[fullLength - midLength];
        for (int j = 0; j<= midLength ; j++){
            newArray[j] = test[midLength + j];

        return binarySearch(newArray, num);
    else if(num < test[midLength]){
        int newArray[] = new int[midLength];
        for (int j = 0; j<= fullLength - midLength ; j++){
            newArray[j] = test[j];

        return binarySearch(newArray, num);
    else if(num == test[midLength]){
        return test[midLength];


public static void main(String[] args) {
    int test[] = {2,8,1,6,4,6};
    int num = ArraysTest.binarySearch(test, 1);


Please ignore the boundary conditions and logical mistakes, as this is draft version.


有一个失踪返回的binarySearch 功能。在Java中,编译器将验证所有可能的执行路径上返回正确类型的存在。在你的情况,如果所有的测试都是假的,那么执行起来的功能到底哪里没有返回值,违反了功能合同。

There is a missing return at the end of your binarySearch function. In Java, the compiler verifies that on every possible execution path a return of the right type exists. In your case, if all tests are false, then the execution rises the end of the function where there is no returned value, violating the function contract.


Your algorithm differs from the cited one in the way that yours constructs a new array at each ‘‘split’’. So, we can say that it is relatively inefficient because you use too much memory without any real need for it.