AWS SWF流程框架 - Eclipse的AspectJ装载时编织框架、流程、SWF、AWS

由网友(今生你是我的唯一)分享简介:有没有人设法让AWS SDK样本进行简单工作流和流程框架正常工作?我已经遵循了Eclipse的建立指令(的信,却得到不生成类。这样一来我的项目将不会所有的地方建,因为缺少...

有没有人设法让AWS SDK样本进行简单工作流和流程框架正常工作?我已经遵循了Eclipse的建立指令(的信,却得到不生成类。这样一来我的项目将不会所有的地方建,因为缺少*客户端类。

Has anyone managed to get the AWS SDK samples for Simple Workflow and the Flow Framework to work properly? I've followed the Eclipse set-up instructions ( to the letter, but no classes get generated. As a result my project won't build because there are missing *Client classes all over the place.

我已经试过这与两者在SDK中的样品和 ImageProcessing 样品是当一个人第一次登录提供到SWF管理控制台。同事们同样不能得到它的工作。

I've tried this with both the samples in the SDK and the ImageProcessing sample that is offered when one first logs into the SWF Admin Console. Colleagues similarly can't get it to work.



I've encountered two (potentially unrelated) problems in this context:

1)您可能会错过一个重要的prerequisite还在(很容易错过,我也为好;) - 见的设置的开发环境:

1) You might have missed an important prerequisite still (it's easy to miss, I did as well ;) - see Setting up the Development Environment:

如果您使用的是Eclipse的开发环境,[...]使用更新站点安装AWS工具包为Eclipse 。 请务必安装亚马逊简单   工作流服务(SWF)的工具。除此之外,此插件   处理注释和生成客户端类。 [重点煤矿] 的

If you are using the Eclipse development environment, [...] install the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse using the update site Be sure to install the Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF) Tools. Among other things, this plug-in processes the annotations and generates the client classes. [emphasis mine]


Once I fixed this oversight of mine, compile time weaving started generating classes on build as expected.

2)我的最初的回答解决了后续的AspectJ运行丢失的问题,因为AspectJ中之间存在明显的冲突,通过提供在 SpringSource工具套件(STS)和的 AspectJ的开发工具Eclipse的。我还没有想通了,这是否可能是只有我的STS安装一个局部问题 - 请参阅我的回答的详细信息,如果这种冲突适用于您,以及

2) My initial answer addresses a subsequent problem of the AspectJ runtime missing due to an apparent conflict between AspectJ provided via the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) and the AspectJ developer tools for Eclipse. I still haven't figured out whether this might have been a local problem of my STS installation only - please see my answer for details, in case this conflict applies to you as well.


