
由网友(三千繁华、虚梦一场)分享简介:我使用 FCSA数 处理小数点输入AngularJS。如果我使用 maxDecimals 选项几乎按预期工作。对于两位小数,如输入100.333转化为100.33。在我所在的地区使用逗号作为小数点分隔符,但在我的网站上输入要使用点作为小数点分隔符 - 这样的插件不。没关系。不过,我想喜欢100,33转换为100.33...

我使用 FCSA数 处理小数点输入AngularJS。

如果我使用 maxDecimals 选项几乎按预期工作。对于两位小数,如输入100.333转化为100.33。

在我所在的地区使用逗号作为小数点分隔符,但在我的网站上输入要使用点作为小数点分隔符 - 这样的插件不。没关系。不过,我想喜欢100,33转换为100.33。




我怕我不熟悉的 FCSA号:(


不过,如果你的目标是了解如何实施简单 面向角度的解决方案这可能满足您的需求,请继续阅读...  你会发现下面的价格指令我在plunker实现。这是很简单的,我建议你花时间去研究它,然后实现自己的解决方案,由价格指令和 FCSA既启发源$ C ​​$ C。


  app.filter('comma2decimal',[功能(){//应该被改变,以满足您的需求    返回功能(输入){    VAR RET =(输入)input.toString()修剪()代替(,):空;。        返回parseFloat(RET);    };}]); 
angular js 怎么实现某个input框输入值就显示某个div



  app.filter('decimal2comma',[功能(){//应该被改变,以满足您的需求    返回功能(输入){        VAR RET =(输入)input.toString()代替(,):空;?        如果(RET){            变种decArr = ret.split(,);            如果(decArr.length→1){                VAR DEC = decArr [1]。长度;                如果(分解=== 1){RET + =0;}            } //这是为了显示价格像12,20,而不是12,2        }        返回RET;    };}]); 



  app.directive('价格',['$过滤',功能($过滤器){返回{    限制:'A',    要求:'ngModel',    链接:功能(范围,元素,ATTRS,ngModelController){        ngModelController。$ parsers.push(功能(数据){            //从视图中格式转换的数据模型格式            数据= $过滤器('comma2decimal')(数据);            返回的数据;        });        ngModelController。$ formatters.push(功能(数据){            //从模型格式转换的数据来查看格式            数据= $过滤器('decimal2comma')(数据);            返回的数据;        });    }};}]); 

请参阅这个工作plunker ,显示一切是如何一起工作。

首先,一个数字(例如,从数据库来)具有控制器范围十进制值($ scope.price = 25.36);









如果你需要其他的选择像 FCSA 号指令,你可以很容易地在你的过滤器添加。

您可能需要自定义功能和模型验证,使用 ngModelCtrl。$ setValidity

I'm using FCSA Number to handle decimal input in AngularJS.

If I use the maxDecimals option it almost works as expected. For two decimals, inputs like "100.333" are transformed to "100.33".

In my region comma is used as decimal separator, but the input on my website should use dot as decimal separator -- like this plugin does. That's fine. However, I would like that input like "100,33" are converted to "100.33".

How can I do that?


I am afraid I am unfamiliar with FCSA number :(

However, if your goal is to understand how to implement a simple, angular-oriented solution that may well suit your needs, read on... You will find below the price directive I implemented in a plunker. It is quite straightforward, and I recommend you take the time to study it, then implement your own solution, inspired by both the price directive and the FCSA source code.

a filter to convert comma numbers to decimal numbers:

app.filter('comma2decimal', [
function() { // should be altered to suit your needs
    return function(input) {
    var ret=(input)?input.toString().trim().replace(",","."):null;
        return parseFloat(ret);

This filter will automatically convert data from view format (with a comma) to model format (your scope, with a decimal).

a filter to convert decimal numbers to comma numbers:

app.filter('decimal2comma', [
function() {// should be altered to suit your needs
    return function(input) {
        var ret=(input)?input.toString().replace(".",","):null;
            var decArr=ret.split(",");
                var dec=decArr[1].length;
            }//this is to show prices like 12,20 and not 12,2
        return ret;

This filter will automatically convert data from model format (your scope, with a decimal) to view format (your view, with a comma).

a directive named price that uses those two filters:

app.directive('price', ['$filter',
function($filter) {
return {
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelController) {
        ngModelController.$parsers.push(function(data) {
            //convert data from view format to model format


            return data;

        ngModelController.$formatters.push(function(data) {
            //convert data from model format to view format


            return data;

See this working plunker, showing how everything works together.

Initially, a number (e.g. coming from database) has a decimal value in controller scope ($scope.price=25.36;);

In the view, it appears like: 25,36 in the input, and 25.36, as in the database, below.

Now enter any comma number: it is automatically converted to decimal number for insertion in database.

Hoping this answers your question.

Advantage of using a directive: it is reusable, everywhere you need it on your website.

Advantage of using two filters: separation of concerns.

This approach lets users use numbers they are most used to in your views. However, the numbers entered can be altered in the background before insertion into database, so they are formatted properly.

And when you fetch prices/numbers from the database, they are automatically altered, before showing in the view in a way better suited to the reader.

If you need other options like in the FCSA Number directive, you can easily add them in your filters.

You will probably need custom functions and model validation, using ngModelCtrl.$setValidity.


