
由网友(情域)分享简介:所有我想要做的是包括部分的HTML中的锚标记,链接到外部网站。是这一标准的HTML中,code,简直是:All I am trying to do is include an anchor tag inside the html of a partial that links to an external site....


All I am trying to do is include an anchor tag inside the html of a partial that links to an external site. Were this standard html, the code would simply be:

<a href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank">google</a>

这么简单,因为这是,我似乎无法找到让过去的角度截取的路线(或者替换我的锚用的 https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/a 指令无意?)。

我有这么冲刷和网络的其余部分,看到解决方案的大量处理:一个页面内的SPA在同一个域中内的链接,路由,路由(ALA $ anchorScroll),但这些都不是我的问题没错。

I have scoured SO and the rest of the web and seen a myriad of solutions for dealing with: links within the same domain, routing within the SPA, routing within a page (ala $anchorScroll) but none of these are my issue exactly.

我怀疑它可能有事可做使用$ SCE但我是一个角度的n00b并没有真正知道如何正确地使用该服务。我试着在我的视图控制器以下内容:

I suspect it may having something to do with using $sce but I am an Angular n00b and not really sure how to properly use that service. I tried the following in my view controller:

$scope.trustUrl = function(url) {
    return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(url);


<a ng-href="{{ trustUrl(item) }}">Click me!</a>


但似乎并没有这样的伎俩(我结束了刚刚HREF ={{,在呈现的页面)。

but that did not seem to do the trick (I ended up with just href="{{" in the rendered page).


Using a plain vanilla anchor link like this:

<a href="http://www.google.com">google</a>

也没有这样的伎俩(即使一些网上告知,标准HREF会引起角一个完整的页面重载:AngularJS - 我该怎么做重定向一个完整的页面加载)

我也试过将目标= _self属性,但似乎没有任何效果无论是。

I also tried adding the target=_self" attribute but that seemed to have no effect either.


Do I need to write a custom directive as described here?

Conditionally添加目标=&QUOT; _blank&QUOT;与角JS 链接


This all seems way too complicated for such a simple action and I feel like I am missing something obvious in my n00bishness, at least I hope so because this process is feeling very onerous just to link to another url.


Thanks in advance for any solutions, advice, refs or direction.



It turns out that I did in fact have all anchor links in the page bound to an event listener and being overridden. Since that code was fundamental to the way the page worked I did not want to mess with it. Instead I bypassed it by using ng-click to call the new url as follows:


<a class="navLinkHcp" href="{{hcpurl}}" title="Habitat Conservation Plan" target="_blank" ng-click="linkModelFunc(hcpurl)">Habitat Conservation Plan</a>


$scope.hcpurl = 'http://eahcp.org/index.php/about_eahcp/covered_species';

$scope.linkModelFunc = function (url){
  console.log('link model function');


And voila! Good to go. Thanks again to KevinB for cluing me in that this was probably the issue.


