
由网友(棉花糖味的小仙女)分享简介:我正在探索在.NET 4.0中的DynamicObject模型。该应用程序是其中一个目的将通过某种文本/ xml文件来描述,并且该程序必须在阅读该文件创建对象I am exploring the DynamicObject model in .NET 4.0. The application is one where...

我正在探索在.NET 4.0中的DynamicObject模型。该应用程序是其中一个目的将通过某种文本/ xml文件来描述,并且该程序必须在阅读该文件创建对象

I am exploring the DynamicObject model in .NET 4.0. The application is one where an object will be described through some sort of text/xml file, and the program must create an object upon reading that file.


With DynamicObject, we can add members easily, given that we know the name of the member a priori. But, what if we don't even know the name of the member to add? Is there a way to make that dynamic as well?

举例来说,说我需要与成员Property1','Property2创建一个对象,并用PropertyA另一个对象,并且所描述的文本/ XML文件'PropertyB。如何动态创建一个对象,在此基础上的信息?

For example, say I need to create an object with members 'Property1', 'Property2', and another object with 'PropertyA', and 'PropertyB' as described by the text/XML file. How can I create an object dynamically based on this info?

更新 我有一些想法,从这篇文章:http://www.$c$cproject.com/KB/cs/dynamicincsharp.aspx

UPDATE I got some ideas from this post: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/dynamicincsharp.aspx


This implementation allows me to do something like the following:

dynamic d = new PFDynamicChannel();
PFCouplings c = ((PFChannel)d).Coupling;
d.NewProperty = "X";


The reason I do not wish to use a dictionary is to make use of TryGetMember, and TrySetMember methods that I can override, within which I can raise events that are essential for the program.


This way, I can inherit from a base class (PFChannel), but I can also add members on the fly. But, my problem is that I will not know the new property name until runtime. And, I actually don't think the dynamic object allows me to add new properties on the fly. If this is the case, how can I make use of ExpandoObject to give me this ability?


如果您的只有的需要做的是,你应该看看ExpandoObject.如果你需要做的的和的仍使用 DynamicObject ,你将需要写code记的属性值,基本上...这你可能用做嵌入式 ExpandoObject

If you only need to do that, you should look at ExpandoObject. If you need to do that and still use DynamicObject, you will need to write code to remember property values, basically... which you could potentially do with an embedded ExpandoObject.

这我不清楚你想要做与此对象之后,虽然什么 - 你确定你需要动态类型呢?将一个词典<字符串,对象> 实际上是更糟?这要看是怎么回事消费对象后基本相符。

It's not clear to me what you want to do with this object afterwards though - are you sure you need dynamic typing at all? Would a Dictionary<string, object> actually be any worse? It depends what's going to consume the object later basically.


