
由网友(离殇)分享简介:我目前正在做一个复杂的,其中搜索上使用Rails表,麻烦是我得到的错误:I am currently trying to do a complicated WHERE search on a table using Rails, the trouble is I get the error:PG::Error: E...


I am currently trying to do a complicated WHERE search on a table using Rails, the trouble is I get the error:

PG::Error: ERROR:  column "email" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT "bans".* FROM "bans"  WHERE (Email='' AND IP='' AND (...
: SELECT "bans".* FROM "bans"  WHERE (Email='' AND IP='' AND (Username='NULL' ))

和我知道,列确实存在,并做了轨道DBCONSOLE 给我以下内容:

And I know that column actually exists, and doing a rails dbconsole gives me the following:

Jungle=> select * from bans;
 id | Username | IP | Email | Reason | Length | created_at | updated_at 
(0 rows)


So this is definatly in the database, has anyone had any experience with this?



SQL column names are case insensitive unless quoted, the standard says that identifiers should be normalized to upper case but PostgreSQL normalizes to lower case:

把一个标识符也使得它大小写敏感,而没有引用的名字总是转成小写。例如,标识符 FOO 被认为是一样的PostgreSQL,但FOO是这三个,每个不同的其他。 (不带引号的名称于PostgreSQL小写的折叠与SQL标准,它说,不带引号的名称应变成大写不兼容。因此,应相当于FOO不是根据标准。如果你想写建议您始终便携式应用举一个特定的名称或就坚决不引。)

Quoting an identifier also makes it case-sensitive, whereas unquoted names are always folded to lower case. For example, the identifiers FOO, foo, and "foo" are considered the same by PostgreSQL, but "Foo" and "FOO" are different from these three and each other. (The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL is incompatible with the SQL standard, which says that unquoted names should be folded to upper case. Thus, foo should be equivalent to "FOO" not "foo" according to the standard. If you want to write portable applications you are advised to always quote a particular name or never quote it.)


SELECT "bans".* FROM "bans"  WHERE (Email='' ...


column "email" does not exist


Your unquoted Email is being treated as email because PostgreSQL normalizes identifiers to lower case. Sounds like you created the columns with capitalized names by double quoting them:

create table "bans" (
    "Email" varchar(...)


or by using :Email to identify the column in a migration. If you quote a column name when it is created, then it is not normalized to lower case (or upper case in the SQL standard case) and you'll have to double quote it and match the case forever:

SELECT "bans".* FROM "bans"  WHERE ("Email"='' ...

在你修复电子邮件,你就会有同样的问题与 IP 用户名原因长度:你必须双引号他们都在任何SQL引用它们。

Once you fix Email, you'll have the same problem with IP, Username, Reason, and Length: you'll have to double quote them all in any SQL that references them.


The best practise is to use lower case column and table names so that you don't have to worry about quoting things all the time. I'd recommend that you fix your table to have lower case column names.


As an aside, your 'NULL' string literal:

SELECT "bans".* FROM "bans"  WHERE (Email='' AND IP='' AND (Username='NULL' ))
-- -------------------->------------------>---------->---------------^^^^^^

看起来很奇怪,你确定你不是说用户名为空?该NULL字符串和空值是完全不同的事情,你不能使用 = != 对NULL进行比较的东西,你必须使用的 为null 不为空有别于是不是从 不同的(取决于你的意图),当空值可能在发挥作用。

looks odd, are you sure that you don't mean "Username" is null? The 'NULL' string literal and the NULL value are entirely different things and you can't use = or != to compare things against NULL, you have to use is null, is not null, is distinct from, or is not distinct from (depending on your intent) when NULLs might be in play.


