$ P $在干燥方式对渲染AJAX填充视图视图、干燥、方式、AJAX

由网友(将先生偷藏)分享简介:这是一些在我们的应用Rails的意见通过AJAX填充自己,他们的第一个数据呈现来自上jQuery的 $(的document.ready)运行事件。我们感兴趣的是这种情况的次实质上表明表格数据的列表(例如,一个收件箱,搜索结果等的清单)。A number of Rails views in our applicatio...

这是一些在我们的应用Rails的意见通过AJAX填充自己,他们的第一个数据呈现来自上jQuery的 $(的document.ready)运行事件。我们感兴趣的是这种情况的次实质上表明表格数据的列表(例如,一个收件箱,搜索结果等的清单)。

A number of Rails views in our application populate themselves via AJAX, and the first rendering of their data comes from an javascript call that runs on jquery's $(document.ready) event. The views we are interested in for this essentially show a list of tabular data (e.g. an inbox, a list of search results, and so on).


We want to pre-render the first page of results without having to make the AJAX call, but we want to be able to re-populate the view without reloading the whole page. This isn't difficult, but it seems to require writing separate bits of code in different parts of the app that do the same thing: once in the view to draw the initial set of data (from the initial render call) and once more in the Javascript to draw new sets of data (dynamically clearing out the old DOM and replacing it with fresh HTML).

目前的JavaScript克隆一个隐藏的(与风格=显示:无)的模板元素(通常是一个 DIV ),设置每个字段的值,并增加了新的元件到DOM。这个效果很好,但如果我们想$ P $使我们在写模板对象的另一个副本在rubyfied ERB块(例如: @ messages.each之前做对填充视图| M | )。如果模板被改变,那么code在再培训局块必须改变,以匹配。 - 不是很干

Currently the javascript clones a hidden (with style='display: none') template element (usually a div), sets the value of each field, and adds the new element to the DOM. This works well, but if we want to pre-populate the view before rendering we have to write another copy of the template object in a rubyfied ERB block (e.g. @messages.each do |m|). If the template is changed, then the code in the ERB block has to be changed to match -- not very DRY.


Is there a better way? If so, what is it?





In your document(ready), you can explicity make the first AJAX call that isn't tied to an event handler. Or similarly, you can explicitly trigger the event handler.



index.html.haml (initial)


现在这里是DRYed起来的部分将被用于填充 DIV#书表

Now here is the DRYed up partial that will be used to populate div#book-table



    %th Title
    %th Author
  - books.each do |book|
      %td= link_to book.title, book_path(book)
      %td= book.author


Next you'll have JS that responds to it. Note that what this is doing is rendering the partial during an AJAX call to the index action.



$('#book-table').html('<%= escape_javascript(render(partial: "table", locals: { books: @books })) %>');


We now need to adjust the index view to initialize to this view:


index.html.haml (final)

  $(document).ready (function() {



As you can see, the document.ready does an initial AJAX call, hitting your .js.erb and populating the div without explicitly populating the div in the .html.haml