
由网友(我愿溺死你海@)分享简介:我们已经在.NET 4.0上运行的图像转换脚本,IIS 7,ASP.NET,4 GB内存的服务器调整大小的图像大,因此需要大量的内存。We had an image conversion script running on .NET 4.0, IIS 7, ASP.NET, 4 GB server RAM that...

我们已经在.NET 4.0上运行的图像转换脚本,IIS 7,ASP.NET,4 GB内存的服务器调整大小的图像大,因此需要大量的内存。

We had an image conversion script running on .NET 4.0, IIS 7, ASP.NET, 4 GB server RAM that resizes large images and thus needs a lot of memory.

第一个脚本增加的内存使用率几乎为100%,剩下几乎没有为SQL Server还运行(这给了内存,直到20 MB,而不是通常的900 MB运行)。

The first script increased memory usage to almost 100%, leaving virtually nothing for the SQL Server that was also running (which gave up memory until running on 20 MB instead the usual 900 MB).


In the second script we added a GC.Collect() and (to be sure) a one sec thread sleep after each cycle, and everything went back to normal.


Question: isn't that a flaw in the .NET memory management? Shouldn't the system take a closer look at what's happening with the available memory, slow things down and clean up?



垃圾收集情况   当一个请求自动   存储器不能使用满足   可用内存。

Garbage collection happens automatically when a request for memory cannot be satisfied using available free memory.

我认为这种情况已经不能够满足作为SQL Server的支持下代替。至于它是一个错误;该文档建议这是由设计。

I assume this situation hasn't been satisfied as SQL Server is backing down instead. As for it being a bug; the docs would suggest this is by design.


